The 2014 FIFA World Cup began last week and the world has once again been captivated by football. Teams from across the world will compete to take home the trophy and be crowned the best in football. This event though has been marred this year by the overwhelming poverty that exists in Brazil.
The 2013 UN Human development Index ranks Brazil 85th. The country faces serious issues including poverty and inequality. Many argue that the $10.6 million that the country has spent on the World Cup could’ve been used to alleviate some of the struggles facing the population, which is nearly 200 million.
The government has argued that the tournament will bring prestige and tourism to the country helping stimulate the nation’s economy greatly. But as evidenced from the 2010 FIFA South Africa World Cup the trickle down of the money generated by the tournament to those who need assistance the most has been minimal.
During the next 30 days the World Cup will generate $4 billion dollars in revenue for FIFA. This money which isn’t even half of what the country will spend will not impact the economy at all and many wonder if all of this money could’ve gone to organizations that truly benefit the causes that need it.
As you take time to watch the matches, consider a way that you might help the country. Why not celebrate this international event by finding a charity to support to help the country?
Mycharitymap allows you to search for charities by name or by location. Take advantage of this feature and set your map to Brazil. There are many worthy charities aiming to help great causes. Or search for your favourite charity and see if they have a project or branch in Brazil.
However you decide to support Mycharitymap is a great way to leave your mark on the map!