Franchise Star Wars has lent its name and fame to a great cause. Disney, Lucasfilms and Bad Robot banded together for the “Star Wars: Force for Change” effort which raised $4.26 million to support UNICEF, United Nations Children’s Fund.
The fundraiser began in May and managed to raise $1 million the first day alone. It concluded on July 25th with over 125 countries having participated and industry giant Disney donating $1 million to the fundraiser. The funds will be used for the operation of as many as 8 UNICEF Innovation Labs.
UNICEF’s Innovation Labs concept tackles critical issues that children around the world face by creating sustainable solutions. The issues range from water and education to health and nutrition. An example of a solution is Rapid FTR (Family Tracing and Reunification), which is an app that allows children to be reunited with their families in the event of a natural disaster. With needy children and families around the world the money raised will undoubtedly help UNICEF’s Innovation Labs.
The fundraiser itself had a minimum donation of $10. The ultimate prize was a trip to London to be a guest on set of “Episode VII” and an appearance on the film. Trekkies from around the world entered and donated for this coveted prize. Due to the success of the fundraiser additional prizes were added and many rewards will be given to those who donated.
Creating awareness for great causes through fundraisers is a great way to help a charity in need. UNICEF is just one of thousands of charities that rely on the public for donations of both time and money to do the great work that they do.
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