What can be done to bring solidarity in Palestina?

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In any part of the world, there is no where that fighting has ever brought good results. The surest results of war is destruction of property, death and worsening of relations which lead to more bitter collisions. If a time ever comes that there will be no more war in Palestina, this will produce a steady nation that will rise above all.

It is quite unfortunate that a country so rich in resources should be brought to its knees just because of differences in opinions of few individuals. Children grow up in fear of shelling instead of dreaming of bright futures and experiencing the comfort of their mothers as it is in other regions. Fathers do not have the chance to offer care for their families because they are either hiding or engaging in war themselves. We have had enough of all these, it is time to bring solidarity in Palestine.

But how do we put an end to this? It all begins with looking at it from where the rain started beating. Many have joined sides in the war just because someone they know is on a particular side and after indoctrination with half truths which are mixes with countless lies. Most of the young people who go to battles actually do not know what they are fighting for or against. The way to stop war is take a neutral stance as it gives you better chance to look at issues from both points of view.

If we were to trace our roots correctly, we would find out that palestinian culture is not that of war. Our fore fathers never had ill feelings towards neighbours or visitors. If they were to wake up today and find the situation as it is, suffice to say that it would be very disappointing. The good part is that it doesn’t have to be this way; there is still time for change.

Change comes in very many ways. It starts with realising that we are in a world where opinions and beliefs differ. Just because I follow a particular religion or way of thinking does not mean that other people must also be dragged to think like me. The best you can do to make other persons appreciate your values is show them the its goodness. The decision whether to follow you or not however must remain at their disposal and vice versa.

At one time or another, disagreements may arise between persons. If channels like negotiation or mediation cannot give satisfying solutions, there are established systems and channels that can be followed to resolve such.

It is also important to put the nation’s interest above any other person’s. There are a few individuals both within and outside the country whose happiness is seeing Palestina as it languishes in poverty and war. This is the appropriate time to encourage everyone to enhance solidarity with Palestina.

It is time for all nations to rise and sing the song of peace. Palestina’s growth and stability is crucial for development of every other nation. Let us work together to make the world a better and safer place for we and our children.


Saturday 29th of November, International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People 2014.